China's new ship orders ranks first in the world

China's new ship orders ranks first in the world

According to data released by British Shipbuilding and Maritime Industry Analysis Agency on July 7, the number of shipbuilding orders undertaken by China in June ranks first in the world. The number of shipbuilding orders undertaken by South Korea is 380,000 amendments (CGT, 10), and continue to rank second in the world after May.

Data show that the number of global shipbuilding orders in the same month is 2.76 million CGT, a decrease of 49%year -on -year. In the first half of this year (January to June), the cumulative order volume of the world was 17.81 million CGT (678 ships), a year -on -year decrease of 34%. China and South Korea's orders were 10.43 million CGTs (428 ships) and 5.16 million CGTs (114), accounting for 59%and 29%.

As of the end of June, the global handheld orders increased by 70,000 CGT month -on -month to 1145.1 billion CGT. China is 53.15 million CGT (46%), and South Korea is 38.8 million CGT (34%).

The League adjusts Asia to Cross-Pacific-West Coast route

The container transportation alliance composed of Herbert, Yangming Sea, Ocean Network Express (ONE) and HMM announced that it has adjusted the Asian-Cross-Pacific-West Coast Network.

The Alliance will temporarily stop the PS5 service and will update the existing PS3, PS6 and PS7 services from August to the effect until they will be notified separately.

The PS3 service will be enhanced by stopping the Tokyo Port. The rotation of the port will be Navatva (India) -Papavav (India) — Coronapo (Sri Lanka) -baron Port (Malaysia) -Singapore -Game (Vietnam) (Vietnam) (Vietnam) - Hairi (Vietnam) - Yantian (China) -Los Angeles/Long Beach (United States) - Auckland (United States) -Tokyo (Japan) -Busan (South Korea) -Shanda (China) - Ningbo (China) - Shekou (China) - Singapore - Singapore - Port of Klang -Navherva.

The strike of the Port in Canada continues, and the negotiations of labor and capital are in a deadlock

Workers of the West Coast Port Canada started strikes on Saturday, July 1. This week, the strike of the West Coast Port in Canada continued, and the call for the federal government to intervene was increasing. Both sides said that negotiations between maritime employers and related unions are deadlocked due to maintenance work.

The Ottawa government is facing pressure from exporters and politicians from exporters and inland provinces to ask them to take action. The Minister of Transport in Alberta hopes that the federal government will recall the parliament and consider restoring work legislation to end the strikes of the port of British Columbia.

Due to the strike, since June 30, the cargo loading and unloading of ships on the west coast of Canada has been suspended. It is stranded at 29 ports and the value of the backlog of goods is as high as US $ 19 billion. It is expected that this number will increase

Vancouver Port and Rurth are the two most affected ports. Commodities in these ports mainly include key car parts (such as brakes), other cars and manufacturing parts, festivals and consumer products.

In the first half of the year, the Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative DRCs increased by 16% in the first half of the year

From January to June this year, the Central and European trains have opened a total of 8641 columns and sent 936,000 standard boxes, an increase of 16%and 30%year -on -year.

Among them, 4620 columns and 499,000 tanks, a year -on -year increase of 16%and 29%; the return 4021 column and 437,000 standard boxes, a year -on -year increase of 16%and 31%. As of now, the China -Europe Class has accumulated more than 73,000 columns and 6.9 million standard boxes over the years, and has reached 216 cities in 25 countries in Europe.

The amount of goods exported from Asia dropped sharply from the US container

This week, according to statistics from the Japan Maritime Center (JMC), in May, the exports of containers in 18 Asian economies to the United States decreased by about 21%year -on -year to 1,582,195 standard boxes, a decrease of nine consecutive months.

Among them, China's export volume was 884,994teu, a decrease of 18%, and South Korea exported 99,395teu, a decrease of 14%. Taiwan exports were 58,553teu, a decrease of 20%, and Japan exported 49,174teu, a decrease of 21%.

In addition, containers from Southeast Asia also decreased by 28%to 367,453teu, of which Vietnam was 187,356teu, which was equivalent to a decrease of 28%; Thailand 73,473teu, a decrease of 25%; Indonesia was 37,441teu, a decrease of 34%; 28%.

The container cargo exported to the United States in May was 116,381teu, a decrease of 19%, and India exported 90,701teu, a decrease of 17%.

On the whole, from January to May of this year, the container trading volume from Asia to the United States was 7,091,823 standard boxes, a decrease of 25%from the same period in 2022.

Most collective transport companies believe that freight rates will decrease by 0%~ 10%

At present, the domestic transportation market demand is weak, while at the same time, it is at the stage of centralized delivery and a large number of old ships withdrawing from the market.

Against the background of transportation power, the Shanghai International Shipping Research Center's China Shipping Landscape Index Preparation Room launched a survey of shipping companies in the second half of the year.

The survey results show that 60%of the container transportation companies that are investigated are believed that the freight rate will fall by 0%to 10%in the second half of the year; 20%of the company believes that the freight rate in the second half of the year will decrease by 10%~ 30%; 15%of companies believe that freight rates will rise by 0%to 10%; only 5%of container transport companies believe that the freight rate in the second half of the year will rise by 10%to 30%.

Far East-North American route container fleet shrinks

According to statistics from Alphaliner, starting from last month, a total of 514 ships were operating on the Far East-North American route, with a total capacity of 4.86 million TEUs, and 674 ships in the same period last year, with a total capacity of 5.56 million TEU.

The analysis agency further introduced that this is equivalent to the scale of the container fleet deployed on this trade route by 12.6%, because the carrier is deploying more ships on the longer Asia-the East Coast route of the United States. This It means that compared with the Far East-the West Coast of the United States, the Asian-East Coast route needs more ships to provide the same weekly capacity.

According to the segmentation of the branch company, on the Pacific route, MSC is a shipping company with the most capacity. It is worth mentioning that by the end of June, all new players who joined this route during the epidemic will withdraw all.

6 Container new ship delivery record record

According to data from Linerlytica, an Asian container observer, the newly delivered amount of container ships in June reached 277,873 TEU, setting a new record for the highest level of delivery capacity of new ships in a single month.

Linerlytica warned that the total number of new ships delivered in the first six months of this year had reached 148 ships, a total of 979344 TEU. Even after preparing for delivery, more than 1.2 million TEUs will be delivered in the second half of this year.

By the end of 2023, the annual delivery volume will reach 2.2 million TEU, which will also set a new annual delivery record, exceeding 1.7 million Teu delivered in 2015.

In the past three years, the container shipping industry has ordered a record number of container ships. The current order volume is about 8 million standard boxes.

CMA CGM on the Asian-Nordic route FAK sea freight

Recently, the CMA CGM issued an official notice announced that it will significantly increase the FAK shipping cost of Asia-Nordic routes from August 1. Da Fei said that the move was to "continue to provide reliable and efficient services to customers", and the new rate came into effect from August 1st until it was notified.

From August 1st, all Asian ports (including Japan, Southeast Asia, and Bangladesh) have been exported to the FAK rates from Nordic Port (including the United Kingdom and from Portugal to Finland/Estonia). US dollars, every 40 -foot dry box/refrigerator box increased to $ 1950.

HMM launches the Far East-India-Mediterranean New route

HMM recently announced that it will be connected to the Far East-India-Mediterranean new route FIM.

The route will be from Busan on August 6th, with 84 days round trip time, and the first sailing ship is the "HMM Blessing" wheel of 11,000teu.

The route of the route is: Busan-Guangyang-Shanghai-Ningbo-Shekou-Singapore-Barn Port-Catta Bali-Monadra-Carach-Gada (Suez Canal) -Damie Tagarovs-Reinaa Valencia-Barcelona-Breevs-Damieta-(Suez Canal) -geda Karachi Mondra-Catta-Catpar -Singapore-Dajiao Bay-Busan.

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