Frequent fell below the cost line!

The container shipping market is about to usher in the traditional peak season in the third quarter, but the market demand is still not improved. The Shanghai Export Container Freight Index (SCFI) has fallen for two consecutive weeks.

According to the latest data released by the Shanghai Airlines Stock Exchange, the SCFI index fell 45.54 points to 932.31 points last week, a weekly decrease of 4.64%. The freight rates of long -range routes in Europe and the United States have fallen in an all -round way, especially the US East and the United States West Line have fallen more than 13%. Among them, the Western West Line has fallen below the cost defense line of many collective companies.

At present, the industry has the hope of recovering the market in the traditional peak season in August and September. Seasonal demand and replenishment of inventory increase their shipments. The large number of delivery operations, the imbalance of supply and demand may cause decoupling.

According to Alphaliner estimates, this year's global capacity supply increased by 8.3%, higher than 1.4%of demand growth; fortunately, the recent decline in oil prices will help increase the profit space of routes or reduce losses.

Previous:MSC, Evergreen, HMM, ONE, HPL and other ship companies have adjusted routes!
Next:The transport volume of Asia to the United States of the United States decreased by 20% year -on -ye

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