The export container transportation market is stable, and most route freight rates fall

According to the "Weekly Report on the China Export Container Transporting Market" released by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange on April 29, this week, the overall market of China's export container transportation market is basically stable, and there is no obvious shipment before the "May 1st" holiday. At the peak, most route freight rates fell down, dragging down the comprehensive index decline.

European route

This week, the transportation demand remained stable, the supply and demand relationship was basically balanced, and the market freight rate continued to fluctuate slightly.

North American route

The signing season of North American routes is close to the end, and the transportation demand is generally stable, and the fundamentals of supply and demand have maintained a balance. However, the market freight price failed to maintain the results of the early price increase, and this week's current blooming price has been adjusted.

Japanese route

The transportation market was basically stable, and the market freight rate rose slightly.

Persian Bay route

Affected by the traditional fasting of destinations, the lack of transportation demand for transportation demand, the fundamentals of supply and demand are basically stable, and the market freight rates have fallen after continuous rise.

Mediterranean route

The transportation market is basically synchronized with the European route, and the market freight rate has risen slightly.

Australian New route

The local market's demand for various materials has continued to perform poorly, the supply and demand relationship is weak, and the market freight rate has continued to decline this week.

South American route

The growth of transportation demand is weak, the fundamentals of supply and demand have weakened, and the market freight rates continue to fall this week.

Recently, a number of economic data show that China's economic recovery is good. In the future, China's export and collection market is expected to continue to maintain a good trend.

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