MSC, Maski, Dafei, Herbelot and other shipping giants collectively dissatisfied with the regulations

It is reported that 23 leading shipping companies, including the largest container transportation company and bulk carrier operators, are criticizing extremely severe criticism of the shipping association BIMCO, because who will begin to affect the global shipping industry in early 2023 Disputes of responsibility.

In a public letter written to BIMCO Chairman Sabrina Chao, 23 signeders believe that the operating clause of the carbon intensity indicator (CII) "is unbalanced and unavailable for them."

The shipping company urged BIMCO to revoke the terms. In addition to Masky, MSC, Dafei, and Herbelot, the carrier Norden, Unifeeder, and Oldendorff Carriers, which have been established for hundreds of years, also signed this open letter.

"The signed by this statement hopes to continue cooperation, formulate the CII clause for replacement, and sharing the responsibility of shipping off -carbon between shipowners and lessee." 23 shipping companies wrote in a letter to BIMCO.

"I hope the industry can reach a consensus on this issue to achieve the overall goal of keeping the global temperature with the Paris Climate Agreement."

After 8 months of internal discussion, BIMCO passed this new clause in November this year, which caused severe criticism of regular rental operators and shipping companies. Critics insist that the new clause will blame the operator and lessee on the responsibility of the bad climate rating in the future, while the shipowner is not affected.

In addition, some maritime organizations have criticized the nature of the CII regulations, which will be measured and discharged from the energy efficiency and emissions of rating ships from 2023, and the new terms of BIMCO will cover this regulation.

MSC and Herbelot have made some very direct inquiries to IMO, asking for changing the CII calculation method, because future rating seems to be applied at will and punish people who are wrong.

In the public letter of BIMCO, the shipping company emphasized that "the transfer of CII requirements to the lessee is not conducive to the lessee, which is not conducive to the good results of each ship in accordance with the IMO regulations."

"The BIMCO CII clause will abide by the obligation of CII on the tenant. This approach will cancel the important incentive of the shipowner's efforts to do its best to decarbon. Dong should be responsible for the main responsibility. "The letter added.

Signing people admit that BIMCO has paid the time and efforts to pass the clause, but it means that the clause "does not meet the expectations" and pointed out that the key terms proposed such as ship performance and maintenance are not accepted in the final text.

The lessee added that they would not "avoid" their role in business operations and compliance with CII regulations, but emphasized that the shipowner still maintains the operating efficiency, technical operations, navigation, insurance, crew and all other related matters of the ship's operating efficiency, technical operations, navigation, insurance, crew and all other related matters. Has the same responsibility.

"In the case of the lessee's liability for the CII rating, the group did not accept all responsibilities to obey the laws and regulations. This has always been one of the biggest cruises in the discussion." Said in the letter.

BIMCO's response to the initiative is to thank the members for their opinions and say that the organization "learned that many stakeholders are still trying to explain the complexity of CII regulations." And said that as CII regulations come into effect, it will continue to monitor the situation. Development and cooperation with the industry to help understand CII regulations.

This latest debate reflects the adjustment of industry operation methods to meet new regulatory measures in the next few years, and the final challenge to change the shipping industry to achieve the goal of reducing carbon emissions.

These 23 signeders represent a large part of the global rental demand, namely: Maski, Dafei, Herbelot, MSC, ADM Intermare, AMAGGI, BUNGE, Clearlake Shipping, Cofco International Freight, Engelhart CTP FREIGHT, Louis.

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