Profit decreases more than 90%! HMM's first half of the year announced

01 HMM's profit in the first half of the year fell more than 90%

In the first half of this year, the net profit of HMM was US $ 460 million, a year -on -year decrease of 90%, and its operating profit was US $ 360 million, a decrease of 92%from the first half of 2022, and revenue was 3.2 billion US dollars, a year -on -year decrease of 58%.

An official of modern merchant ships said: "The container shipping industry has always experienced overcapacity, mainly due to the influx of new container ships ordered during the epidemic, and the normalization of the supply chain in major ports and inland areas." He added, he said, saying that "The chain effect from major east -west routes to smaller routes has exacerbated the imbalance of supply and demand from major east -west routes to smaller routes." Therefore, according to the company's statement, the freight of most major trade routes faces downward pressure in the first half of the year.

The representative of HMM continued: "As far as the cross -Pacific trade is concerned, we expect that the volume of freight will gradually recover, because the rebound of inventory supplement and the soft landing of the US economy may be realized, and there will be no major changes in supply in the short term." The acquisition of Maritime Company, headquartered in Seoul in recent months, has become a dramatic story of the shipping industry. The company stated that it will continue to adjust service adjustments, such as the introduction of FIM (Far East, India and Mediterranean) routes to reduce cost measures and improve operating efficiency. Copy market uncertainty.

02 Mei West Period freight rate rose 43% a month

The US -Line market has continued to rise for a month in a consecutive month. The largest increase in the Western shipping price in the West has reached 26.1%. Compared with the shipping price of US $ 1404/Feu and US $ 2368/Feu on July 7, within one month, Shanghai Port exported to the west and East Basic port market, which rose 43%and 27%, respectively.

According to the Shanghai Export Container Comprehensive Freight Index (SCFI) released by the Shanghai Transport Exchange, on August 4, Shanghai Port was exported to the western and East Basic port market freight (sea transport and sea transport surcharges), which were US $ 2002/ FEU and $ 3013/Feu rose 3.0%and 5.6%compared with the previous week.

03 August Global Turbine Company Fortune Power Released

According to the latest data released by Alphaliner, as of August 5, the number of global operating container ships was 6,674, with a total capacity of 2.7557 million TEUs and a contract of 329 million yuan. Among them, the total capacity of the first three liner companies accounted for 46.71%of the global market.

The top three global trains companies are the Mediterranean shipping (5.2125 million TEU, accounting for 18.92%), Maski Shipping (4.146 million TEU, 15.05%), and a flying ship (3.5127 million TEU, accounting for 12.75%).

Alphaliner pointed out that the 10th place ranked 4th in the ranks: COSCO Shipping Group, Herbelot, ONE Shipping (ONE), Evergreen Sea Transport, Modern Merchant Shipping, Yangming Sea Transport and Yingxing Shipping. The first 7 of them exceeded 1.5 million TEUs.

04 June June Global Air Cargo demand decreased 3.4%

On August 9, regular data of the Global Airlines Market of the International Aviation Transport Association showed that the demand for air freight in June 2023 was shrinking year -on -year, the lowest value since February 2022.

Global aviation freight demand, calculated according to freight tonna (CTKS), decreased by 3.4%in June 2022 (international demand decreased by 3.7%). Compared with January to June 2022, the demand in the first half of the year decreased by 8.1%(international demand decreased by 8.7%). However, the demand in June was only 2.4%lower than the level of the same period in 2019 (before the epidemic).

The capacity of transportation increased by 9.7%year -on -year, and the growth rate was slower compared with the double -digit growth of March to May. It reflects that the airline is undergoing strategic capacity adjustment in an environment with weak demand. Compared with one year ago, the capacity of capacity increased by 9.9%in the first half of 2023. The current capacity is 3.7%higher than the June 2019 (before the epidemic).

05 MSC+Matsky, all started to disassemble the boat!

This week's news said that MSC dealt with a container ship named MSC Erminia, a 3720teu, which is a ship built in 1993 with a price of $ 505/LTD, equivalent to $ 8.9 million.

In addition, MSC also processed another 1,850teu MSC Lana II wheel built in 1999, with a price of $ 520/LTD, which is equivalent to $ 5.38 million.

On the other hand, Matsky is allegedly disassembled a 2,890teu Maersk Patras built in 1998. Since the wheel is based on the current situation in the UAE, the wheel only gets $ 405/LTD. The total price is equivalent to equivalent to the equivalent price The price of $ 5 million.

06 Marine transport imports will end the downturn will end

American retailers predict that by the end of 2023, the downturn of marine transportation imports will end.

The National Retail Federation stated that retailers are digesting the last batch of excess inventory accumulated in the past 12 to 18 months and need to replenish supply. The global port tracking forecast of the federation is that the imports of major US ports in the United States in November and December will exceed the same period last year since June 2022.

They predict that the import volume of containers in November will be 1.92 million (measured at 20 feet equivalent units), an increase of 8%year -on -year. December is expected to be 1.92 million containers, a year -on -year increase of 10.7%.

07 Dafei raised Asia -Europe routes again

Following the announcement of the raising of the Asian and European routes (FAK) in early July, Dafei recently announced that the route freight was raised again, and it took effect on August 15th (the delivery date of the transportation port).

At present, the sluggish freight has become the most important reason for dragging the performance of the wheel company. The liner company is trying to use the shipping cost.

Looking forward to the market in the second half of the year, Da Fei believes that macroeconomic and geopolitics are still full of uncertainty, and the shipping market is full of challenges. Global economic growth is still slow in the second half of the year. At the same time, new investment capacity increases, which may drag the freight, especially on the east -west route.

08 Rhine's water level fell to the lowest this year

According to CNBC, as the most important river transportation route in Europe, the Rhine is facing the problem of decline in water level. The latest data shows that the water level has fallen to the lowest level since the Rhine River section of KAUB town about 50 miles west of Frankfurt.

It is reported that the Rhein River carries most of the transportation of goods such as oil, chemicals and grains that enter Europe. However, since 2021, the decline in water level has led to the decline in freight volume year by year. Data show that from May to mid -July, the cost of transporting a ton of diesel by the Rhine to Karlsroe in southwestern Germany had doubled, reaching about 50 euros ($ 55).

For European regions that rely on the Rhine's transportation diesel, heating costs will face greater cost pressure in heating costs. In Europe, the entire economy depends on this low -cost transportation method. Therefore, a series of chain reactions brought by the reduced water level of the Rhine will have a impact on the entire European economy.

09 MSC becomes the most on -time shipping company

This week, the shipping consulting agency Sea-Intelligence announced its latest issue of the global container shipping company's quasi-rate performance report.

In the first five months of this year, the quasi -class rate of global container shipping companies continued to rise, but in June, it declined. The overall class rate in June decreased by 2.5 percentage points from a high point at 64.3%in May.

According to the performance of the company, MSC surpassed Masky (69.9%) at the 70.6%quasi -rate rate in June this year to become the most timed shipping company. It is also the only shipping company with a rate of more than 70%. It is also the only shipping company in the 14 shipping companies that have achieved six consecutive months in 14 consecutive months of the 14 consecutive months. HMM has the lowest standards rate, only 48.3%.

10 Panama Canal is limited to the end of September next year

Recently, the Panama Canal Administration stated that in order to adapt to long -term drought and water, the Panama Canal reduced the number of ships and maintained the depth of water to eat at low water. These measures will last until the end of September 2024.

Due to the continued drought, the Panama Canal Administration has previously notified customers that starting from July 30, the number of ships passed by the Canal passed by daily will be reduced from 36-38 to 32. Essence It is understood that the depth of the Panama Canal running normally is 15.24 meters, and the loading capacity of large container ships will be 40%less than normal after being reduced. These measures are expected to reduce the annual revenue of the canal by $ 150,000 to $ 200 million.

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