How to optimize Amazon QA and create explosive listing

If the Amazon seller wants to quickly push a product, the product should be prepared for Review and Q & A, and now the REVIEW risk is high and it is easy to be deleted. If the product conversion rate is low and the Review does not grow for a long time, Listing will cause traffic and sales to become lower and lower.

Although the Listing of the QA product sector does not affect much, the conversion rate that affects product listing is an important factor affecting the weight of listing. The QA section is a clear profile of the product from the perspective of customers. Most buyers will check QA before buying goods, trying to further understand the quality and characteristics of the product to determine whether to buy the product.

The Q & A section is a clear overview of the product from the perspective of customers, which is actually more convincing for consumers. Increasing Q & A, solving the problem of consumer attention can not only increase the listing conversion rate, but also increase the activity of listing. Let's talk about how to optimize the QA section!

QA, that is, Questions & Answers, is a Q & A section in Amazon, and an Amazon buyer community. Provide users with issues such as Sellers and Buyers, Buyers and Buyers.

Customer Questions & Answers allows buyers at the front desk to ask any related issues for the product. After that, Amazon will notify the seller of the product or some buyers who have already bought the product to answer the question. When Amazon gets answers, the person who will be notified to ask questions will also display the question and answer on the front desk for reference for those who shop in the future. The buyers can make more suitable decisions and improve their shopping experience.

This is a part of interaction between buyers. Like comments, it will directly affect the critical point of customers' order, which is the transformation of products. QA is a sector that best reflects product value and promote product sales.

In general, if there are more than three Q & A, it will be automatically placed under the product listing title by Amazon. If the number of Q & A is less than 3, it will not be displayed. Q & A cannot ask himself, the seller's account can only reply to the problem issued by the buyer, not to issue problems.

Buyer accounts for shopping or browsing on Amazon's front desk need to purchase more than 50 US dollars to leave Review and reply QA. If the seller receives the answer email sent by Amazon, click Respond to Question in the email, so the answer displayed at the front desk will be prompted to be answered by Seller. Amazon and Taobao are different. Taobao buyers and sellers can communicate in a timely manner through Wangwang, but Amazon cannot, so QA is important. FBA shipping

The biggest difference between QA Q & A and Review is that QA lies in quality, not in quantity, and Review is more focused on quantity. The number of QA will not affect the ranking of the link, but the quality of QA will directly affect the seller's order.


Amazon Q & A optimization precautions

1. Familiar with product performance selling points and defects. The actual operation experience of starting from your own products is best, and collected colleagues Q & A and Review for compiling keywords and advantages and disadvantages.

2. Q & A is to return to the most concerned on the buyer. The seller can investigate all Q & A of the competitors, and then analyze and summarize to sort out the issues that customers want to know most and the needs of customers.

3. Collect keywords. It is recommended that you refer to the description in the bad review of the link of the competitive product, which can increase the trust of the customer, and local people are more sensitive to search habits. You can find a buyer account to reply to improve credibility.

4. Collect the problems often encountered in the customer's email, the problem of strong product function (carefully written), and the problems mentioned in the bad review.

5. Do a good job of upvotes, open the link like or no to fuck all the Q & A's rise and decline. If the more positive Votes are obtained, then this corresponding Q & A can rise to the first page.

6. It is best to be able to be flat with the number of REVIEW. As the number of orders increases, the number of Q & A is considered. In the case of new products, about 3-7 in the early stage, the increase in sales in the later period, the increase of traffic, and the increase of REVIEW, you can continue to be a few more. A Listing in the later period is almost 15. Don't send advertising content, and don't sell products in QA.

7. The questions in Q & A and the keywords in the answer may be automatically captured and included by Amazon. The more the keywords are paved, the finer, and the degree of matching with the target seller will be higher. All Q & A can be analyzed and summarized, and the issues that customers want to know most and the needs of customers can be sorted out. Then optimize Listing and even products for these issues to improve the conversion rate. You can insert keywords appropriately, but you cannot stack keywords.

8. The answer to Q & A cannot be deleted. The problem can be deleted and modified. If no one has responded, the questioner can delete or modify the question.

It is hoped that the seller can understand the various functions of the product from multiple angles, optimize the Q & A, and take every detail problem carefully to better promote the achievement of orders.

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