2023 Amazon PRIME Day sales may reach $ 8.03 billion in US $ 8.03 billion

Amazon India Station launched a new tool "Sale Event Planner"

According to foreign media reports, before the Prime Day promotion, Amazon India launched a new tool called "Sale Event Planner" to help sellers prepare Essence The tool is now provided in Amazon seller applications, which will help sellers understand the details of the event in advance to ensure that they have enough time to prepare. Sellers can use this tool to choose to provide preferential value in promotional activities and obtain suggestions on the best inventory. These are important measures to help increase sales during the event. Use the seller's application and a seller with at least one successful transaction can use the tool.

Amazon Japan Station's compliance invoice retention system will take effect on October 1

Amazon Japan Station issued an announcement saying that starting from October 1, 2023, a compliance invoice retention system for Japanese consumption tax will officially take effect. The compliance invoice retention system allows business buyers to apply for consumption tax deduction. After this system takes effect, if there is no Japanese consumption tax registration number on the invoice of Japanese business buyers, it will not be able to apply for a consumption tax deduction. In response to this change, Amazon will make adjustments.

The EU has insisted on levying tariffs on imported British electric vehicles from 2024

According to the British "Financial Times" on July 6, the European Commission insisted that it will adhere to the plan to impose tariffs on electric vehicles transported between Britain and the European Union next year. Earlier, the European Commission warned that the group was losing the global battery investment battle. With the support of auto manufacturers across Europe, the British government is seeking a trade rule after Brexit from 2024 to 2027, saying that the rule will bring too much cost to the automotive industry.

UPS negotiations with trade unions have broken, and the big strike crisis is resurrected

According to foreign media reports, negotiations between the US express giant UPS and the 340,000 driver's international truck driver's brotherhood ruptured in the early morning of Wednesday, which increased the possibility of one of the largest strikes in the history of the United States. The last large -scale strike of UPS workers was in 1997, when the 15 -day shutdown made the company lose hundreds of millions of dollars. Although the relationship between the two parties has eased, the representatives of the UPS and the truck driver union failed to reach an agreement in the marathon negotiations conducted by the independent day. In addition, both sides blame each other's responsibility for negotiation. The international truck driver said: "At around 4 am, UPS proposed an unacceptable quotation to the truck driver union, and after leaving the negotiating table after the needs of the union members. One plan. "

Canadian port strike continues, over 19 billion US dollars of goods staying

Workers of the West Coast Port Canada started strikes on Saturday, July 1. The negotiations between the British Columbia Provincial Maritime Employer Association (BCMEA) and the Canadian ILWU union were in an impasse. On July 4, the negotiations announced the suspension and waited for further discussion with the federal mediator. Due to the strike, since June 30, the cargo loading and unloading of ships on the west coast of Canada has been suspended. It is stranded at 29 ports and the value of the backlog of goods is as high as US $ 19 billion. It is expected that this number will increase. Vancouver Port and Rurth are the two most affected ports. Commodities in these ports mainly include key car parts (such as brakes), other cars and manufacturing parts, festivals and consumer products.

2023 Amazon PRIME Day sales may reach $ 8.03 billion in US $ 8.03 billion

According to Insider Intelligence, the sales of Amazon PRIME Day in 2023 will increase by nearly 10%year -on -year to $ 8.03 billion. In general, all US retailers' sales will reach US $ 13.48 billion during PRIME Day. Although sales from the Amazon platform account for more than half of the total, sales from non -Amazon retailers are growing. In recent years, other retailers have been catching up with Amazon and they have launched promotional activities similar to "Prime Day" to better compete with Amazon. This led to Amazon began to lose a little market share. But Andrew Lipsman said that Prime Day is still Amazon's main battlefield. Other retailers can compete with Amazon's "crazy sales and activities", although large retailers such as Wal -Mart, Target and Best Buy have the opportunity to win consumer attention by creating their own promotional activities.

Lululemon settled in ZALANDO to accelerate the expansion of the European market

Lululemon recently announced that it has settled in Zalando, the largest fashion e -commerce platform in Europe to expand the European market in depth. This is another big move in the European market after Lululemon's entered the Spanish market in July last year. This time, Zalando will be selected as a partner. Lululemon will go to Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Spain. , Sweden and the Netherlands, customers sell products. Zalaando's announcement shows that it currently has more than 51 million active customers in 25 markets. After opening the first store in Spain last year, Lululemon also plans to continue to expand stores in the market, including China, Italy, Thailand, South Korea, Germany, Britain, and Australia. The goal is to bring 220 global stores by 2026.

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