Listing becomes unable to sell because the warehouse is closed. How to deal with it quickly?

The Listing of the warehouse temporarily closed is not available. It is a recent period of trouble that plagues many Amazon sellers.

At first, some sellers vomited on the forum, saying that the goods that they sent to the SMF3 warehouse had not started to be launched after half a month after arriving. It was only after the case that the warehouse had been temporarily closed. The specific recovery time is not clear, but the newly created cargo is still assigned to the SMF3 warehouse!

Lao Chen learned through the investigation that the United States has recently encountered severe storm snowy weather. The night wind and cold temperature recorded by the Washington Observatory in Hampshire has been low to minus 78 degrees Celsius. Essence According to the news given by the logistics service provider, there are currently more than ten affected warehouses, including SBD1, LAX9, GYR3, SCK1 and many other popular warehouses, so many sellers now encounter Listing into unable to sell, put on the shelves, and on the shelves Delay and other issues. So how should we respond to such incidents from the perspective of the seller?

In fact, before thinking about the solution, we must first open CASE to confirm with customer service. The specific time of the warehouse shutdown, because this will directly affect our subsequent decisions. If the temporary shutdown time is short and the overall order and profit have little effect, then you can wait patiently, but if the warehouse is closed for a long time, or there is no clear time, the operating strategy must be adjusted in time.

1. Urgent replenishment to overseas warehouses, and use self -distribution to deliver goods. The premise is that the seller has a cooperative overseas warehouse, and then it is shipped normally through the FBM, that is, the seller's self -delivery.

2. Urgent replenishment to other warehouses that have not been affected. Some seller's products may be distributed to different warehouses, so they can increase the stocking of those unintentional warehouses, thereby ensuring the normal listing and distribution of the product.

It is not difficult to see that the above two methods need to meet certain prerequisites. One method requires the seller to have sufficient funds to support the operation of overseas warehouses, and Method 2 usually requires the seller's business volume. So in the final analysis, it is not a particularly ideal solution. In fact, in recent years, there are many similar uncertain factors, so many old sellers and big sellers will be operated normally, and they want to formulate their own ability to improve their risk.

Take the temporary closure of the warehouse caused by the extremely cold weather and the Listing irreplaceable incident as an example. It may only cause serious impact on small and micro sellers who only do only a single site, only operate a single product, and have no overseas warehouse resources. In contrast, veteran sellers with multi -products, multi -site, multi -platform, and overseas warehouse resources may be minimal. Therefore, whether it is the new seller who has just begun to be Amazon, or there is already some old sellers of old products, it should be part of the energy to reduce the potential risks of its own business. Try not to put all eggs in the same basket.

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