Retoning 10%, US West freight returns to $ 2,000

NO.1 rose by 10%in a week, and the US Western freight returned to $ 2,000

According to the latest period of Druryi, the shipping freight from Shanghai exported to the port of Los Angeles, the United States, recording a single week of 10%after two consecutive weeks, and the freight climbed to 1965 US dollars/Feu, close to the $ 2,000 mark.

This is the third consecutive week of shipping price in the United States and Western routes, with a cumulative increase of 24.3%. At the same time, the freight price of Shanghai from Shanghai New York Port rose 7%to 2906 US dollars/Feu.

Druori said: Due to the increase in the increase in the suspension of the cross -Pacific East route, the delay caused by the strike of the Canadian West Coast, and the more optimistic prospects of North American freight demand, these factors jointly promoted the recent growth of the shipping volume of the cross -Pacific east maritime shipping.

NO.2 UPS strike may cause a loss of $ 7.1 billion

Economic Research Company, a economic research company in Michigan's research company, is estimated that UPS's 10 -day strike may become the highest cost -effective event in American history. Preliminary estimates that the US economy may cause $ 7.1 billion in losses.

Anderson Economic Group estimates that the crackdown on enterprises and consumers will only reach $ 4.6 billion, "it will cause major and lasting harm to small enterprises, family workers, individual practitioners and online retailers across the country." Other costs include direct losses of US $ 1.816 billion in US $ 1.816 billion, and the company's 340,000 truck driver union members' $ 1.1 billion wage loss will be borne by UPS suppliers and tax losses.

NO.3 Dafei will charge the off -season surcharges from Asia to South Africa

Dafei recently announced that it will collect new peak season surcharges (PSS) to Asia to South Africa routes, which will take effect on August 21.

The scope of new costs includes: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, China, Macau and Taiwan to South Africa.

The charging standard is $ 300/Teu, which involves dry boxes, cold boxes, over -limit (OOG) goods and pieces of groceries.

NO.4 One launches new services connecting the Sea of the Adilia, Israel, Egypt and Greece

Ocean Network Express (One), a container shipping company headquartered in Singapore, will start a new branch service connecting the Aderea port, Israel, Egypt and Greece.

ONE's New Yalia Israel Israel Butterfly Ring Service (AIB) is expected to provide new portals for customers in Europe and the Mediterranean region.

The new weekly service is planned to depart from the port of Damilita on August 16, and there will be a 21 -day round -trip range.

NO.5 COSCO Shipping North American Warefang Service Products is fully launched

The official account of COSCO Shipping recently announced that as an important strategic part of COSCO Shipping Digital Supply Chain, its warehousing and distribution business in North America has now been fully launched, with a total area of more than 1.19 million feet. Taskarasa, Dallas, Houston and other places.

This marks the further approach of the supply chain service products of Zhongyuan Sea Transport to terminal customers. After the customer's goods arrive at the North American port, they can be stored in the warehouse of COSCO Shipping, and then distribute them to all over the United States as needed.

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