The United States announced the extension of the import tariff exemption of Chinese goods for nine months

On December 16, local time, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) issued a statement that it would be applied to the tariff exemption period for 352 Chinese products at the end of 2022 (December 31) to expire for nine months to 2023 On September 30th, it will take effect on January 1, 2023. freight

USSTR statement

According to the statement, these Chinese products are mainly industrial components and consumer goods, including pumps, compressors, air purification and water purifiers, valves and various motors, as well as consumer goods such as luggage, pillows, bicycles, vacuum cleaners, and seafood.

These exemptions were initially announced in March this year. On March 23, local time, the Office of the US Trade Representative issued a statement saying that the tariffs on 352 imports from Chinese imports were removed. Chinese goods. ocean shipping

*The relevant statement issued by the US Trade Representative Office is as follows: (Copy to the browser open) 20OF%20EXTENSIONPPPPRINSTAT

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