Category first! "World Blade King" or new channels for re -investment

New entrants can always be seen on the track of cross-border e-commerce. Zhenai Meijia, which is mainly engaged in blankets, is one of the leading enterprises in China, and claims to be the "king of blankets in the world". After its listing on the main board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2021, investors are constantly urging it to layout cross-border e-commerce.

According to Hugo's cross-border understanding, ZhenAimeijia mainly tested e-commerce business in China before, such as Tiktok, Xiaohongshu, Kwai, etc. However, according to the latest disclosure of ZhenAimeijia, it has decided to layout cross-border e-commerce and explore the growth potential of new channels.

01 Layout of multiple cross-border e-commerce channels

The main products of Zhenai Meijia are blankets and bedding (sets, quilt cores, pillow cores, etc.). At the same time, it sells a small amount of towels, household clothes, carpets and other textiles and packaging materials. The revenue of export business accounts for 90%. In the first three quarters of 2022, the revenue of True Love Meijia was about 687 million yuan and the net profit was about 89.71 million yuan. According to the statistics of China Wool Textile Industry Association, in the past three years, Genuine Aimeijia blankets have ranked the first in the same industry in the ranking of the competitiveness of Chinese textile and clothing enterprises organized by the China Textile Industry Federation.

In addition to traditional foreign trade business, True Love Meijia said on the interactive platform on January 21 that it has been sold on Alibaba International Station, MadeinChina and 1688 cross-border e-commerce platforms. As for other channels such as Amazon, True Love Meijia has not been disclosed yet. Hugo Cross-border searches on Alibaba International Station, and can indeed find relevant products of "TRUELOVE", a brand of True Love Meijia. For example, the home blanket made of 100% polyester fabric shown in the figure below is priced between US $2.5 and US $10.

Hugo cross -border found that in February 2022, some investors asked whether the existing business of Zhenai Meimei involved cross -border e -commerce, and its reply was not involved. According to the 2022 semi -annual report of Zhenai Meimei, its online sales revenue was only 2768.13 yuan. Therefore, the real love beauty family has opened a business on cross -border e -commerce platforms such as Alibaba International Station, and it is likely to be in the second half of 2022. For the true love beauty home, cross -border e -commerce is a brand -new business.

Zhenai Meimei frankly said that online sales are relatively low, mainly as the company's future new channel exploration and reserves.

It is understood that the exit of the blanket export of Zhenai Meimei adopts a direct sales model, which is divided into three ways: the first is to directly achieve sales in the ODM mode; the second is to directly achieve sales in the OEM model; The model directly achieves sales. The 2022 semi -annual report showed that the revenue generated directly reached 360 million yuan.

02 Focus on markets such as the Middle East and North Africa

my country has the world's most complete industrial chain and the highest level of production and processing. It has become the production base of the world's blankets. The blankets produced are mainly used for exports. The proportion of domestic sales is relatively small. According to preliminary statistics, in 2021, my country produced 260 million various types of blankets, with an export value of about 2.28 billion US dollars, accounting for about 60%of the global blanket trade.

From the perspective of the market area, my country's blankets are mainly exported to Africa and the Middle East countries, accounting for about 60%of their market share, mainly in medium and low -grade products. The product structure is polyester blankets, cotton blankets, eyebrow blankets and eye polyester blended blankets.

On the one hand, the people of the Arab region have the habit of treating blankets as bedding. The blankets can not only be used as bedding, but also as pavement and decorations in Arab countries. The use of blankets is very frequent and demand is very large.

Furthermore, most of the Arabia, such as West Asia and North Africa, are mostly dry desert, tropical or subtropical desert climate, extremely lack of water, drought and desertification, and the dust storage function of the carpet is very outstanding. Purify the air and beautify the environment. At the same time, because blanket products are more resistant to dirty, easier to clean up by products, and more widely used scenarios. Therefore, the blanket market in the Middle East is very large, and due to the scarcity of water resources in Arab countries, the blankets are basically not cleaned in the daily life of residents. They are mostly used as one -time consumer goods.

Therefore, the blanket products of Zhenai Meimei are more likely to be recognized by consumers in markets such as the Middle East and Africa, and the market scope is still expanding. Although the European and American markets are one of the largest markets in global blankets, they have become "emerging markets" for domestic textile companies such as true love beauty, because European and American countries imported mid -to -high -end blankets, but due to Europe and the United States, it has a limited technology for textile imports to set up technical technologies for textile imports. Continuous improvement, in fact, the pressure of exporting companies has gradually increased.

It can be seen in the "trade capabilities" of Alibaba International Station that from the perspective of revenue, the real love beauty family accounts for the largest proportion in the Middle East, as high as 33.08%, followed by South Asia, North America and other regions.

However, in the market area, the true lovers are trying to expand. The status of polyester blankets as a very cost -effective home and casual supplies has gradually increased, and the consumer demand area has gradually expanded. It is reported that the current love of beautiful family Europe and the United States and Southeast Asian customers has increased, and has increased its good growth momentum. It is expected to become the company's new important market in the future.

According to Hugo's cross -border understanding, the location of Zhenai Meimei, located in Zhejiang, has a certain advantage in its export business. The shipping port of its true love blanket industry and true love home blankets is generally Ningbo Port. The 3 -hour drive is close to the saving transportation cost and ensuring the timeliness of delivery.

True Love Meijia disclosed that the order is currently sufficient. In the future, it will adhere to the marketing strategies of multi -market, multi -customer, and multi -channel marketing, and use the dual channels of online and offline to continuously increase the proportion of emerging markets such as Europe and the United States. The development of new products continues to expand incremental customers.

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