Inventory of the four methods of Amazon's 4 Tiakeng selection, 99%of novice will be recruited!

I would like to call them Tiankeng! If you are using these methods, it is recommended to stop immediately, because the success rate is really low!

Method 1 .BSR list/new product list selection

Why do I think it is very pitted on the BSR list and the new product list? Because the popularization rate of this method is very high, anyone who knows a little bit about this industry knows -if everyone is using it, what else is there of our products? Intersection

The logic of the BSR selection is that when I see the products of other sellers sell well, I also sell the same types of products to get good profits. However, how beautiful the imagination is, the reality is so tragic. The real situation is the new listing of the new seller. It is not only difficult to surpass the mature listing of the old seller, but it is not difficult to even share a share.

It is difficult for individual sellers to solve this problem, and many factories cannot solve it. For example, there is an Amazon seller who has ordered a large number of products in a factory for a long time. If the factory thinks that it is necessary to make this product, because of the cost advantage, it must be better than other sellers. In fact, it is very wrong.

There are many people using the new list of the list, especially some popular categories. You are using this method to choose this method, and others are also using it. Everyone stares at the same wave of new products, which will lead to a relatively popular new product, because a large number of sellers have pouted crazy and have to end at a price war.

So this method is almost unavoidable at some popular sites, especially the new sector, but you can try on some niche sites.

Method 2. Taking your head and choosing it by feeling

Seeing what products others are selling well, go to a certain 688 to find similar products for sales. Such a selection method is also one of the Tiankeng.

The success rate of the selection of heads and selection is very low, because the selling point you summarizes may not match the fundamental reason for consumers to buy products. You do not necessarily achieve good sales results. logistics company

Method 3. Dao hearing, listening to the wind is rain

Listening to the wind is rain. When I heard that if I sell well, I will sell what. According to normal logic, if there is a product that the product can be sold at a probability, the old seller is definitely unwilling to share it, and even deliberately concealed the news to prevent others from dividing their profits.

Method 4. Go to the wholesale website to find a product

Finding products on the wholesale website is the most commonly used method for many novice sellers -I have selected products on the online wholesale website, or the offline wholesale market. I feel that a certain one can sell well, so I directly take the goods to start operation.

This method is a logic with the head of the head and the feeling of choosing the head, and the success rate is not high. As for the reason, it is also very simple. First of all, as a seller, you can't just look at the problem with the consumer's eyes. After all, a person's consumer concept cannot represent all consumers; secondly, the aesthetic and cultural differences between themselves and foreign consumers have been ignored. There were many similar cases in the past. It is recommended that everyone spend some time digging and reflection. logistics company

The above is the four ways I think of making the most pit for Amazon. If you are using these methods to choose, I suggest you stop. Of course, you can also exchange experiences with me. I will share some methods that I think the success rate of success and more advantages.

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